Where To Buy Bitcoin?
The Binance cryptocurrency exchange is increasingly becoming a serious alternative currency, especially for online purchases. But where do you actually get Bitcoins? Beginners first need a wallet - a virtual wallet. Behind this is software that is available for all operating systems and platforms. With the wallet, you can send and receive bitcoins. The currency can be purchased on one of the Bitcoin marketplaces on the internet. Investors must register and enter their account details; some providers also allow Bitcoin to be purchased by credit card. Buy Bitcoin On A Regulated Traditional Trading Venue In the meantime, the first traditional exchanges have also recognized the innovation potential of Binance cryptocurrency exchange. Choosing the marketplace on our website requires care and a leap of faith. Because these companies can go bankrupt or be hacked - both have already happened. There are some leader websites, which advertise with regular security audits. There, BTC owners offer their Bitcoins at a certain price, like on eBay, the marketplace itself takes a transaction fee.

CFD Trading Forms
The great advantage of CFD trading platforms on buycryptocoin.net is that, in addition to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, there are also other asset classes such as stocks, raw materials. These accounts are additionally protected by a deposit guarantee through state regulation.
Bitcoin Apps
It is possible to buy Bitcoin with any modern smartphone. To buy Bitcoin with your smartphone, you have to install a corresponding app. All major crypto exchanges provide corresponding apps, most of which are free. They are very easy to use and reliable. After downloading, you can trade immediately with the app: In a demo mode, it is possible to try out all the functions of Bitcoin trading. If you then want to buy Bitcoin with the app, you can switch to real money mode. To do this, you have to identify yourself beforehand using a video identification procedure. Then you can deposit money from your checking account, which will be available a short time later in the app to buy Bitcoin.
There are many ATMs where you can buy Bitcoin. As usual at ATMs, you can pay the Bitcoin in the desired amount with an EC or credit card. Many ATMs where you can buy Bitcoin also accept cash to pay for the Bitcoin. The prerequisite for buying Bitcoin at an ATM is the existence of a Bitcoin wallet address. You have to enter this address during the purchase process because this is where the purchased Bitcoin will be sent. However, there are fees when buying Bitcoin at ATMs. These fees can be up to 5 % of the purchase amount, which is of course much more than the purchase in the app, for example.